Monday, 27 June 2011


Picture by Alice M Martin

How lovely the valley,

Cutting in fiercely,

Through the mountains

Flowers in full bloom,

Buzzing through them,

Are the busy bees.

White satin lakes,

Catching the snowflakes,

That shapely fall.

Of rushing rivers,

with no daring divers,

Near the milky fountains.

The rustling leaves,

Of mountain trees,

Twirling in the breeze.

Sky a carpet blue,

Holds birds of different hue,

And clouds of silver lining.

The peeping sun,

Joining the fun,

Behind the lofty peaks.

But ALAS! the mountain climbers,

Causing mighty disorders,

By their dumping plastics!

Whilst many others,

Cause ECO. disasters,

By their cutting trees.

The smoke from outside,

Makes one to churn inside,

Alas! the snow is ot white!

Come, lets clean up,

Our messy dump,

A new leaf to turn.

Come, lets have fun,

And brave the sun,


All of us must take responsibility to take care of our environment ( and the world at large).....and the environment will take care of you!!

5 June- World Environment Day

With regards, Alice


Punjab such a beautiful place,

Roads lined with purple lace,

People born of pretty face.

Sojourning there five long years,

Witnessed many a cascading tears,

As some used their guns and shears.

In a fight, a man of rage,

Slashed his neighbours frontal image,

Adding to a thesis page,

Buying fish, I had gone all alone,

At lewd men did I frown,

That branded me "Lady Brawn"

Punjab did great things for me,

Found Jesus Christ who set me free,

And to face each day fearlessly.

Dhamtari July 1993:

With regards,


God gave Samson a gift,

His hair, also source of his strength.

Samson, however, sought his passion.

And was blind to Delilah's schemes.

The result, he lost his hair, And his lover.

And his vision and his glory.

His passion of the flesh, blinded him mentally.

Which later resulted in his blindness, physically.

Abraham: to fulfill God's covenant, was blind

To God's righteous timings and begot Ismail.

Saul, had to have his scales removed.

His zest, blinded him to the truth; so he persecuted believers.

When we hold on to any one aspect of truth,

We may be become blind to The TRUTH.TRUTH is the personhood of JESUS CHRIST,WHO SAID ,' I AM THE WAY , THE TRUTH AND LIFE.' If you hold on to certain facts of Jesus Christ;You will be blinded.Only Jesus Christ, son of the living God will set you free -From your blindness.

This can later lead to complete blindness.


by Alice Mathews Martin on Sunday, June 26, 2011 at 1:23am

(compiled in 1993 - from entrances made in my diary).

I wanted to change the world;

Dear Lord Jesus

I wanted to change humanity;

To bring this world into a better place

and time.

I was impatient

with those who showed injustice.

I was complaining

against those who did not match my standards

I was intolerable,

of those who lacked integrity.

I condemned the rich oppressors

When I saw the poor in penury suffer.

I fought the unjust

to make it a just world

I harbored hostility

against the wicked

I stayed away

from the liars......

All these I did because

I believed I was good.

Then I came to you

Lord Jesus Christ

And looked at your face:

And I saw myself

I was impatient, complaining, intolerant, condemning, hostile, and self deceived.

I fell face down only You Lord Jesus Christ could lift me up. What a self righteous person I am ...forgive me.


I surrender

by Alice Mathews Martin on Monday, June 27, 2011 at 7:39am

I wanted to be a doctor for Him..
He said, "No"
So I didn’t become one!.
I wanted to lead a life of austerity for Him..
He said, "NO"
But gave me back all that I had given up!.
I wanted to give up my profession for Him..
He said, "NO"
He kept sending patients to me!.
I wanted to give up marriage for Him..
He said, “NO"
And sent me a man to marry!.
I wanted to win my friends for Him..
He said, “NO"
And took me away from all my friends!
Out of desperation, I cried to HIM,
"What do you want?
He said, “you".

I thought I could please Him by surrendering to Him all things that He had given me; but I held on to" myself, my ego, me, I". .....I experienced burnout because I was not being filled by Him. When I surrendered the "I", I realized I was nothing, just mud, or a worm. When I repented, HE lifted me up and called me His child, claim inheritance to that Kingdom everlasting...He, then , said, “Now use all the resources I have given you, to work for My Kingdom". I said ; "yes ,Lord , send me. Here I am".
Alice ..13 Sep. 1993.

Since then, it has been a fantastic journey..........there have been ups and downs.......sometimes due to my own callousness.....other times to teach me more. He is still working on me. "Eye has not seen, nor heard

Nor have entered into the heart of man

The things which God has prepared for those who love Him".

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the spirit searches all things, yes , the deep things of God. But the natural man , does not receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him; nor can He know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1 Corinthians: 2 : 9, 10, 14.
God bless you all,
Alice 27th June 2011

Sin of Adam and Eve


Picture Credit: megalex

From nothing,

Earth and sky was formed.

From nothing,Land and sea reformed.

Within His majestic creativity

He made man in the image of the Holy Trinity.

Adam was the name given,

To him was given all that was living.

Before him did all the animals parade,

Yet it was to Eve that he did serenade.

Together they made a lovely pair,

Eating fruits that Eden bear.

But Lord God said.;

"From this tree you must eat naught,

If you do, you will live not."

Satan came in serpent's guise,

To Eve he gave a little surprise

,"Oh you silly,nilly but pretty daughter,

Come a little closer and you will see better.

""Did God really

Tell you so?

Thats because

He doesnt,

Want you to know,

The fruit in the garden center,

Will make you grow,A little wiser!

He thus invited her to the forbidden fruit.

From then in Eve sin took root

She looked at it. And saw it good.

Believing the serpent's

Guile , and stood.

She gave some to her bosom pride,

When Adam turned over his side.

The sin that caught then unawares,

Made them look at each other in stares.

They hid their nakedness in leaves,

But God could see their heart in heaves.

The guilt they found hard to hide,

Was the law of God which they deride.

The guilt of Adam and Eve is here today,

As man does choose his will( not His will) to stay.

Of self will and disobedience

the world is rife,

Yet patiently waiting

is my God of life.

( Jesus said,........" me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer,I have overcome the world." John16:33.




Picture Credit.
He knocked at my door, for me to let Him in,

I did shut Him out for my house was a dustbin,

He waited at my door refusing to go away,

I said, “leave me alone to do the things my own way!

He waited at my door, He said, “do let me come in,”

To sit and dine with you”… replied I, “come when my house is clean.’

He waited at my door; relentlessly through the day,

I tried to clean my house and got myself all disarray.

He waited at my door, he said he would help me clean,

But I was so ashamed, I did not let him in.

He waited at my door, my patience weaning out,

I offered him many things, but he did not turn about.

He continued to wait at my door. When at last I did relent,

He walked right into my house, and how my heart did repent!

As he walked into my house, I saw his richly attire!

For surely he must be a king! And I wanted to hide my entire!

When he came into my house, my house into a mansion was formed!

For where the king must live; the place will be transformed!

(Based on revelations 3:20 fulfilled in my life, written with joy for the one who gives it freely)
BTW---Alice means of noble birth- and truly I am born of The King of Kings! Joyful!
